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Sounds like a good book. Thanks for the suggestion.

Wow, that's amazing when things happen that way. Thanks for sharing.

i started reading it when it came out...found it boring for 5 pages...then gripping the rest of the way. :) fab book...haven't seen the movie.

I just watched the perfect storm for the
nth time!
and the first time and still i see it as
the storm in life does not have to be
on the ocean to be the storm that causes
us to call on the Lord.
I commercial fished for salmon on the west coast
for about 8 years off oregon coast
and for a few more years off northern california.
i did not know the Lord then-but one early morning
when we were still in our bunks-we could hear
a fog horn of a freighter bearing down on us.
the skipper first asked me to take the wheel
so he could tell what direction the freighter
was coming from (the fog was pea soup)
he paniced and sent me on the deck
i could hear the sound of the freighters
fog horn going off louder closer
bouncing off the fog...
i cried "Lord show me where it is"
and then i looked up and what appeared as huge
as a city was bearing down on us. i yelled "Hard port"
and we got out of the way just in time.
he bragged on my "skills" when we got back in port
but to this day i know Who showed me the way to go!
and in life storms come that have nothing to do
with boats or water. but they have the same impact and cause us to call on the same Lord
and Savior.
love you
mary plantier
saugerties ny

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