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I read the book about 1 month ago. It was great. Something I would recommend as a companion text to the new DoubleDay edition of the BoM for those that want to learn w/o worrying about being preached at.

I found about the Mormon Blog Club from Celibate in the Cities site. Could I be a part of this fun little club is someone isnt keeping up their status? Or could I please be notifited of any new clubs that form. Thanks.
Jenna Andersen

Sounds like a pretty good list of possibilities and looks like a good book too. I need to start reading more.

That does sound like an interesting book. I'll add it to the list of "books to read when I have more free time and less required reading," and in the meantime look forward to your analyses, Dave.

Alright, You Too! (Jenna's blog) is on the list, and I'll throw in Celibate in the City as well until CC herself gets back to America and says yea or nay.

Thanks for adding me. I'll make sure to be a frequent guest from now on.

Huzzah, and welcome, Jenna!

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