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I'm not sure that Emma was so happily married to her second husband. Buddy Youngreen in his book about Emma says that her second husband was an alchoholic and unfaithful.

Hi Carl, thanks for stopping by. I haven't read any of Buddy Youngreen's books, but my quick look at a couple of links for "Joseph and Emma: A Love Story" and "Reflections of Emma" make me think they are popular treatments rather than scholarly ones. As to whether Emma's marriage to Lewis Bidamon was happy or not, it did last 32 years, which says something. You'll have to read "Mormon Enigma" and make your own call.

I've no idea if it were happy or not, but the length ones marriage lasts need not say much. Especially in the 19th century. What exactly would the opportunities of Emma be if she left her husband? Plus, considering all she went through, stability may have been of far more worth than some of the other things we associate with marriage. Yes she could have gone to Utah and been accepted there. However given the hatred and distrust between her and Brigham, I doubt that was a real choice. Of course once her children were grown and associated with the RLDS church she had more options. But I'm still not sure there is prima facie reasons to assume a happy marriage.

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