BYU NewsNet, that is. Three nice stories. First, Oliver Sacks, the renowned neurologist, spoke to a large BYU audience last week about his research on Alzheimer's disease. Here's a quote: "Sacks said Ralph Waldo Emerson was one who recognized his dementia and was not ashamed to go about teaching. He said if one is to become demented, he or she should use Emerson as an example." Never knew that about Emerson.
Then there's RLDS President Steps Down, surely one of the more jaw-dropping stories of the year. Yes, I know they have renamed themselves the Community of Christ. Now they can reorganize and be the Reogranized Community of Christ. Or perhaps the Re-Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the RRLDS Church. Note they drop the hyphen and capitalize "Day." Anyway, the ex-President also requested a release from the priesthood. When the man acts, he does so decisively, don't you think? I suppose he'll retire to the RLDS equivalent of St. George and golf away his retirement, seeking inspiration on the back nine.
Nothing on the Grant Palmer story in BYU NewsNet -- wouldn't want BYU students to know what's going on in the Church, would we? Where's the Seventh East Press when we need it? But you should go read UVSC Adding Mormon Studies to Curriculum. There are some choice quotes, such as this one from a UVSC philosophy prof: "Given that BYU's religious education mission is primarily devotional, we feel that an academic emphasis at UVSC provides an important addition to the educational opportunities in Utah." In other words, BYU is not a good place for the academic study of religion, but UVSC will step up to the plate. Sounds like something to argue about discuss in the comments, don't you think?