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just curious, is ehrman up front about his own agnosticism?

thanks for the review, it has just jumped up several spots on my need-to-read list.

One should always consider the likelihood that some of the emendations, particularly the early ones, were inspired, and also the near certainty that the the Lord assisted the best translators in their work.

Loyd, yes he was pretty clear, although he didn't come out and declare his personal unbelief. I think to do that in a book directed primarily to inerrantist Evangelicals is too blunt -- they can tell where he's at simply by what he *doesn't* say in his personal remarks. The Introduction made it clear he was once a born-again Evangelical and that he doesn't look at the Bible that way anymore. That's really all it takes.

An interesting reponse to Misquoting Jesus is the book Misquotes in MISQUOTING JESUS: Why You Can Still Believe, by Dillon Burroughs.

I've never understood the Protestant idea of sola scriptura, let alone Biblical inerrancy. The texts themselves do not seem to claim any sort of absolute or ultimate authority for themselves.

I'm even puzzled by the somewhat less exalted attitude of Mormons towards the Bible. I can understand why some parts of the Bible might be called the "Word of God," but most of it seems to be clearly a step or two below that, even if "translated correctly."

Thanks, Dave, for such a thorough review. Where many Mormons struggle to come to terms with BoM and 19th-century Church history issues, my struggle has been with the Bible, and Ehrman, Crossan and Friedman occupy a place in my life that Quinn, Palmer and Brodie may have in the spiritual journeys of many LDS. It's good to see other Mormons reading the authors that mainstream Christians are wrestling with. Like Loyd, I'm going to have to bump this book up a few notches on my reading list.

The Bible, for Mormons, is more of a historical artifact or a religious icon than "words to live by."

Someone once noted that your standard Mormon typically only quotes the Bible when she is trying to score debate points. And I think they're probably right.

We revere the Bible, but we don't use it much.

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