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I wholeheartedly agree with your views of Ehrman's works. While he is uncompromising in terms of methodological naturalism, he admirably resists the tendency of some (such as the Jesus Seminar) to go too far with this. He is, in my opinion, a fairly conservative and yet highly reliable source of scholarly information regarding early Christianity.

The whole gospel according to Judas has brought all sorts of things to light. It has mostly brought into light how easily one can be decieved when he looks not for the truth in the right places. If we do not want to believe that Judas is a son of perdition then the gospel according to Judas will tell us he is not while stating that he is better than the other 11 disciples.

The New Testament also has it's flaws. We are not exactly sure how they have changed over the years since Christ as the JST in my opinion was never finished.

What I do find interesting however is that in the Book of Mormon, Christ fortells the Nephites future generations saying that there will come again in the land sons of perdition 4 generations removed. He then refers indirectly to Judas when he says that they will once again sell him for silver and gold.

Rob, you'll want to read my next post on the book. No one is really suggesting the new Gospel of Judas gives an accurate account of historical events associated with Jesus and Judas. As a second-century gnostic text, it is useful for what it says about what Gnostics were thinking and how that relates to the diverse Christianity of the day, but it won't make Judas into a sympathetic figure.

The verse you cited in 3 Nephi 27 is actually quite interesting. The resurrected Jesus is addressing the Nephites:

30 And now, behold, my joy is great, even unto fulness, because of you, and also this generation; ...
31 ... and none of them are lost; and in them I have fulness of joy.
32 But behold, it sorroweth me because of the fourth generation from this generation, for they are led away captive by him even as was the son of perdition; for they will sell me for silver and for gold, and for that which moth doth corrupt and which thieves can break through and steal. And in that day will I visit them, even in turning their works upon their own heads.

For more on this interesting topic, see the EOM entry "Sons of Perdition" at LightPlanet (aka All About Mormons). A follow-up article at that link (not from the EOM) speculates that there will be no "daughters of perdition" because only a priesthood holder could, uh, progress high enough to fall that far. I don't buy this idea. There must be a few women there, otherwise it wouldn't really be hell fair.

I look forward to your next post then. I do know that there will be women who are cast out at the last day. To be a son of perdition, one does not neccesarily have to have the priesthood. A person can be wicked enough to be craftily led away to the point that they will no longer possess through their agency a desire to side with God. This obviously is the state of those who kept not their first estate and became sons to perdition.

The misconception that one must first hold the priesthood in order to become a son of perdition is to deny the very fact of what the gospel teaches about being led down captive to the everlasting chains of hell. Extremely wicked people who deny godliness which is manifest in their own being and then knowingly glory in abominations of all manners and types are the type spoken of in the BoM and New Testament as being led down to this everlasting destruction (the second death) of which seldom ever gain sufficient priesthood if any at all that we as LDS would classify as such in order to condemn.

I do look forward to your next pot on the issues I can't wait!

I credit Ehrman for introducing me to the synoptic problem (and the argument for Markan priority) and for subsequently reinvigorating my interest in the New Testament. While I understand why people want to create harmonies, it makes so much more sense to me to treat each book as its own creation (and to study the sources/influences of each).

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