Post of the Day: Women in Church History, a guest post at FMH by Claudia L. Bushman. The post is a short essay that starts with this intriguing sentence: "One of our puzzles as Mormon women is where we fit into the Church." Sometimes FMH is a little "out there," but the recent posts in celebration of Women's History Month have been impressive. The interview with Carol Lynn Pearson, for example, which includes the provocative quote, "Well behaved women seldom make history." Well, neither do well behaved men, but I get the point. Boys can be boys, but girls are expected to behave.
WHM stands for Women's History Month. First there was International Women's Day. Then, in 1980, President Jimmy Carter designated one week in March as Women's History Week. Not to be outdone, Congress in 1987 declared the entire month of March to be Women's History Month. I think it's a safe bet that at some point in the future Spring will be rechristened Women's History Season.
One thing you will learn in Church History that Mormon women were actively involved in many of the goings on in the history of the church. They may not have been present at some of the official meetings with regard to policy, but they were a wonderful influence.
Its exactly like the role of the Relief Society President. If you want to know about whats going on in the ward, shes the one you ask. If you want to know about the trivial nuts, and bots issues of how the church keeps its lights on, then talk to the clerks or bishop. The Women of the Church have always been doing most of the heavy lifting.
Posted by: BRoz | Mar 30, 2007 at 07:23 PM
And knee strengthening.
Posted by: Broz | Mar 30, 2007 at 07:24 PM