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I loved this book. I enjoyed it more then RSR, which I found a bit of a slog. I loved the section of On The Road where he started talking about "the book" as a sort of independent actor: "What the book is trying to say is..." And it's just fun watching him watch his Amazon numbers. Good job funneling readers to him, Dave.


This is a fascinating book, with all kinds of nuggets on how Bushman was feeling in the aftermath of the book, its sales, and reviews. Look forward to your posts on it.


I loved "On the Road with Joseph Smith." Bushman does an excellent job with describing his emotions and describing how RSR really became his "child" in a sense. The most intriging part to me is reading his hesitations and reservations to the LDS community about his book.

Concerning the 7 year thing - I think it takes someone special to keep working on a manuscript after seven years, to have it almost memorized but still tinkering away at it to make it perfect - one wonders if he was divinely inspired to keep moving along with such a masterpiece

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