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Alright, questions for readers: Do all embedded videos from the Newsroom site show a "big black box"? On the other hand, the Newsroom feed plays more smoothly than the YouTube feed and, being smaller, uses less bandwidth.

Thanks for the note.

When I subscribed to the feed, I had a bunch of duplicate stories. Did you notice that when importing it to your sidebar?

I'm reading this at work where Youtube is blocked, so the LDS Newsroom video has an advantage in this situation. On the other hand, turning on sound in this environment would be disruptive, so I didn't get a lot out of the Newsroom video either.

The visuals do remind me of a bit from that Bill and Ted movie about the teenage boys doing a history report; my favorite part of the movie was the talks by the other students as they were waiting for Bill and Ted to show up. In particular, there was the football player who had no clue about his topic ("What would people from the past think about our world today?"). So he fumbled about at the podium: "Thing's are the same. But they're different. And there are computers."

San Dimas High School Football rules!!!

My favorite thingamajig at LDS.org is the music section. The hymnal and the children's songbook are online. Both have an interactive player, which lets you pick out specific parts to play. You can also modify the tempo and the key, and then print out the modified version. You can download MP3's and print the music.

I used to be the ward chorister, and I liked to practice the night before, in case something was a little weird (like the meter change in "The Day Dawn is Breaking"). I don't play, so the music section was the perfect tool.

Thank you for this info, I just found out you put a link of our humble site to your site. How honored we are! The Saudi Arabia LDS Couple have a new friend! Thanks a lot again Dave. Keep doing great!

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