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I guess we assumed there was no apparent downside to publicly attacking homosexuals.

Mike D., I don't recall the Church ever publicly attacking homosexuals.

If you disagree, you're an opponent. If you disagree publicly, you attack.

Didn't you know?

Perhaps Mormons should be more concerned about the Parental Notification initiative? Also it's fair to say that some Evangelicals are skeptical of "help" from the LDS Church. See http://www.baytzim.com/ for example

I'm not convinced that the site Robert posts to is a bona fide Evangelical site. For one thing, "baytzim" is apparently a Hebrew word for what we would call "cajones".

Mike D., I don't recall the Church ever publicly attacking homosexuals.
It's not a stretch to think that a lot of homosexuals view the church's vigorous moral and financial support of an amendment to strip them of their right to marriage (even if they've only had it for a few months) as an attack on them.

Even if the church were not "attacking" them, they side with religions and groups that have quite vociferously attacked gays. It's not hard to put two and two together.

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