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Mormons have done a great deal of serious reflection on the problem of evil. You might want to check these:



I'll assume that you're familiar with them since you quote them here:


Mormons are not insulated from this problem if any interpret "omnipotent" in absolute terms. Of course most Mormons, if pressed, will admit there are exceptions to that interpretation.

So once you admit that there are some exceptions, the question remains: Are there evils that God could mitigate without impairing his other objectives, that he nonetheless does not?

I don't think so. But if you have a belief in near (cost free, economists need not apply) absolute power, you are likely to be somewhat at a loss to come up with a convincing explanation of non-intervention in a large number of cases.

I think that coming up with some type of 'equation' for God's intervention would be a marvelous invention for the thinker tinkerer.

Thanks for the links, Blake. Maybe I'll visit the topic again after reading some of the LDS material.

I don't think we have anywhere near enough information to make such estimates, and even if we did an actor with free will isn't necessarily going to follow what we might expect all the time anyway.

The problem is different for LDS.

God's 'omnipotence' is constrained by:
1. He himself must be obedient to eternal laws (Alma 42:13; Mormon 9:19)
2. His granting of agency to man (2 Nephi 10: 23)
3. His work and glory depending on the presence of evil (2 Nephi 2:11; D&C 29:39)

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